An unforgettable adventure through beautiful country with hectic climbs, hike-a-bike, huts, bone rattling descents, campfire chats, a few beers and some wonderful meals. 10/10 Would do again.

Off-road Cycling Adventures in Victoria's Central Highlands
An unforgettable adventure through beautiful country with hectic climbs, hike-a-bike, huts, bone rattling descents, campfire chats, a few beers and some wonderful meals. 10/10 Would do again.
This adventure traveled through Wurundjeri and Gunai-Kurnai country. We acknowledge that sovereignty of these lands has never been ceded and pay our respects to…
Riding a bike doesn’t have to be hard work, here are some tips for riding smarter so you can ride for longer.
Acknowledgment: This ride took place on Taungerong Country and we pay our respects to elders past, present and future by acknowledging that sovereignty of…
Acknowledgment: This cycling adventure variously traversed the country of the Wandandian, Ngunawal, Yuin, Ngarigo, Bidwell, and Kurnai people. Sovereignty of these lands was never…
“I hope you enjoy the photos of the forest and the flowers and those wonderful boulders and I hope you feel inspired to join us on future rides to appreciate and save the Great Forest of Victoria.” Cath Stephensen
Sometimes I am riding in places where I don’t see another human for a couple of days and things get weird. If I didn’t have music to listen to they would probably get weirder.
Guest post by Leon. Some days you just want to ride up some long hills, so you can ride down the back, and also for the views! A quick overnight jaunt to the Toolangi shared area of the Tungerong and Wurundjeri Nations had our eyes popping, legs appropriately tired and some silly downhill grins that wouldn’t wipe off for days.
Most of this route is off limits to motorized vehicles. There are a few challenges along the way but it is an immensely rewarding part of the world to visit.
Exercise is good for you and riding bikes is awesome.
We all need the Great Forest National Park
This is already a popular route for road cyclists. It is mostly paved except for a section of the Acheron Way, which is readily ridden on road bikes
Not a fan of tents? No problem. This ride should take around 3-5 hours depending on how many breaks and side trips you take. Scroll…
Get lost among the largest trees on the mainland.
Going camping on bikes is just about the greatest thing ever. It’s amazing to travel through nature on a bike, though it can be daunting to embark for the first time. It is so immensely rewarding that if you’re thinking about it you should try it. I created this step-by-step guide to convince you that virtually anyone can do this.
You’ll be pushing your bike up most of Mt Terrible and the whole section above Jamieson is hectic. The views are great but the difficulty is intense.
Amazing images from a trip in December 2016 with most pictures taken by Finn Ryan.
How great is this!?
We made good time grinding uphill. I was really impressed with Finn’s speed, there was none of the usual waiting around for people to catch up I had experienced riding with other friends. I am not sorry to wait, everywhere there is something new to see and I have a great love for these spaces in between places. There’s always something special about time without obligations.
Unridden Route – Challenging, Mixed surface. Not for the faint of heart.
This route takes you up to the Kinglake Ranges and then through a small section of Mt Robertson State Park into Kinglake National Park. It then traverses Toolangi and connects with the Acheron Way to climb over the Great Dividing Range and back down towards Warburton. It then bypasses Warburton by means of the extremely scenic O’Shannasey Aqueduct Trail and finishes with the Warby trail.
This is the article I wrote for Australia’s biggest cycling magazine; published by Bicycle Network, RideOn.
Hi! Here’s a more detailed map of Toolangi. I’ll add some further points of interest, enlarge the list of steep tracks and maybe…
Check this out!!! Do your research before you head out and take good quality maps that work without an internet connection. I still use…
The trip from Lilydale to Tanglewood Music and Arts Festival for NYE 2016
Crazy trip starting at midnight from Pakenham. Published on We Are Explorers
Last weekend I went on a 100km cycle to a forest being murdered. Article written by Shayne Small
Early 2016 I went on a roadpacking trip, and took my road bike off road on the O’Shannasey Aqueduct. I rolled up the Reefton Spur, through Marysville, onto Healesville and then up to Castella Junction to hang out with the staunch and committed Knitting Nannas of Toolangi
This was a great week. I got lost in nature, regained some fitness and enjoyed some delicious meals. Everything you want in a break from suburban life. I CAN’T SAY THIS LOUD ENOUGH, TOOLANGI IS BRILLIANT!
Mature Eucalyptus regnans dominated forests have been found to store more carbon than any other forest known. It’s 2016, we know we need to store carbon, yet these forests are still being smashed.
We camped for the first night in one of these areas, The Mount Robertson State Forest. It is a popular destination for trail bike riders, and by extension mountain bikers. We had a lot of fun exploring the loose sandy tracks, dodging dried up mud traps and stray logs under the forest canopy.